Tuesday 16 September 2014

New and digital media- Google article

1) Why has Google led to the decline of the newspaper industry?

The article claims that Google has led to the decline of the newspaper industry because it has stolen potential advertisers from newspapers. Advertisers now find it much more convenient and cheaper to advertise on online on Google and sites such as Craigslist to market their products in the ever growing and popular internet as opposed to the old fashioned newspaper advertising which may no longer be able to appeal to their chosen markets, for example advertising a new toy or video game is highly unlikely to be effective in a newspaper. 

2) Do you personally think Google is to blame for newspapers closing and journalists losing their jobs? Why?

I personally completely disagree that Google should be blamed for the decline of newspapers and newspaper income as Google can not be blamed for effectively running their business. Google are simply the first company to exploit the popularity and power of the internet by allowing advertising on it. They have revolutionised the way advertising is done and cannot be blamed for keeping up with modern technology and making profit, as that is their main goal, the same way it is the main goal of most newspapers. No one can blame a company for making too much money, the same way no one can blame a company for reinventing themselves in order to keep up with the latest technology and trends. If Google had not started online advertising it was bound to be done by someone eventually, simply because the internet has grown so rapidly and newspapers are now an old form of media.

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